Our Mission

Open Mind Fund is a charitable organisation that was created by the employees of Atoll Holding Group as well as other volunteers who have joined together in their joint goal to help their country and citizens of Ukraine to survive the horrors of war and devastasion brought by the russian armies. The Fund is the product of Ukrainian people striving to help Ukrainian people in any shape or form, utilizing any opportunity that presents itself. It is a manifestation of the will of the Ukrainian people, who have shown their unity and solidarity in the common cause - to drive the invaders from their lands and to provide support to each other in this hard time.

The Open Mind Fund’s current focus is on providing the immediate support and relief to Ukrainian people by providing humanitarian aid, shelter for refugees and opportunity for other charitable organisations to utilize our infrastructure to ensure that Ukrainian people will have sufficient means to live through these horrible events and to ensure victory to Ukraine even if the enemy overwhelms us in number, but not outmatches our spirit.

After the end of the war, the Fund’s main focus will be on helping our country to rebuild our towns cities and build the country that will be greater that it ever was before. We will mainly focus on social projects to attempt to create the infrastructure of the future, more innovative and convenient for its citizens.